Thursday, October 13, 2016

Campaign Project - Introduction

Campaign Project!
Introduction and Role Selection
Resources to Understand Lesson

Campaign Project:

These roles were selected based on interest and random selection. A second random drawing was required due to intimidation for a certain role. For this reason, the second random drawing was completed by me, Mrs. Rashid. The roles are FINAL.

If you have an issue with your team, please speak with me, withdraw from the project, and you will receive a 0. This project is an opportunity to work together for a common goal... a great skill to obtain in the real world!

Presidential Candidate:
Rhyan and Surmayee

Campaign Leaders:
Leah and Samia

Public Relations:
Sargun and Sahaar

Aidan and Taha

Fundraiser/ Booking Activities:
Amal and Anna

Annie, Billy and Shirley, Emilio


Many students are unaware of the political process in the United States.  There are many different point of views taken on the political scene.  Students will be directly involved in the campaigning process for the "Presidency" in the classroom.  The students will be responsible to research and perform direct tasks involved in their campaign committee.  Students will work as a team to reach or attain the common goal: President elect.

Students will break up into 2 groups of 7 each assigned to a specific task within the campaign committee.  The group will act as the presidential candidate’s campaign committee to ultimately have their candidate elected president through a “mock ballot” within the school.
  Campaign Tasks     
  1. Campaign Leader
  2. Public Relations
  3. Fund Raising/booking activities
  4. Treasurer
  5. Advertising
  6. Advertising
  7. Presidential Candidate                                                             


      Campaign Leader

-You are in charge of the campaign.  Everyone in the committee will report to you with the progress of their tasks

-You will advise the presidential candidate on possible positions to take based on facts from the public relations person

-You will help the other people in the committee to complete all tasks

-Research how much it will cost for your area and tasks (report to treasurer)
       Public Relations
      -Set up interview with campus newspaper
-Set up time and place for a debate with other presidential candidates
-Talk to the community to find out what they want in a president
-Set up meetings with government officials (principal) to get a meeting place for the        final speech and vote from the other classes
-Research how much it will cost for your area and tasks (report to treasurer)
Fund Raising
-Research ways to make money for you campaign
-Must be legal ways like bake sale, car wash, etc. (This is fake...the outcome of your fundraising will be random)
-Research how much it will cost for your area and tasks (report to treasurer)
-You will have a budget to designate to each aspect in the campaign and keep a written record of daily transactions
-All campaign persons will be required to report to you any amount of money they need to accomplish their tasks
-You will decide if it is necessary to give an area within the campaign their requested amount

-Budget: $1000 Monopoly money
-You will be in charge of creating paraphernalia to “sell” your presidential candidate
-Research how much it will cost for your area and tasks (report to treasurer)
Possible ideas include:
      -Bumper stickers
      -Campaign slogan
      -Name of your political party
      -Newspaper adds
Presidential Candidate
-Create a position for your campaign
-Researching different causes that you stand for (under the party you represent)
-Communicate with public relations to find out what the people want
      -Write and deliver a final candidacy speech

Presidential speech ideas
make bumper stickers


Information on the Executive Branch
Powers of the President
Hall of Presidents
Campaign Trail (history)
campaign strategies
campaign strategy report (scaffolding)
strategy tips
Information on the Executive Branch
Powers of the President
Hall of Presidents
Campaign Trail (history)
campaign strategies
campaign strategy report (scaffolding)
strategy tips


Delegation of Responsibility
Each student in the group can clearly explain what information is needed by the group, what information s/he is responsible for locating, and when the information is needed.
Each student in the group can clearly explain what information s/he is responsible for locating.
Each student in the group can, with minimal prompting from peers, clearly explain what information s/he is responsible for locating.
One or more students in the group cannot clearly explain what information they are responsible for locating.
Group Timeline
Group independently develops a reasonable, complete timeline describing when different parts of the work (e.g.,planning, research, first draft, final draft) will be done. All students in group can independently describe the high points of the timeline.
Group independently develops a timeline describing when most parts of the work will be done. All students in group can independently describe the high points of the timeline.
Group independently develops a timeline describing when most parts of the work will be done. Most students can independently describe the high points of the timeline.
Group needs adult help to develop a timeline AND/OR several students in the group cannot independently describe the high points of the timeline.
Ideas/Research Questions
Researchers independently identify at least 4 reasonable, insightful, creative ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Researchers independently identify at least 4 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Researchers identify, with some adult help, at least 4 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Researchers identify, with considerable adult help, 4 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Plan for Organizing Information
Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered and in the final research product. All students can independently explain the planned organization of the research findings.
Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information in the final research product. All students can independently explain this plan.
Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered. All students can independently explain most of this plan.
Students have no clear plan for organizing the information AND/OR students in the group cannot explain their organizational plan.
The presidential campaign is a long and tedious journey that can only be successful through the hard work and dedication of all people on staff.  Everyone must work hard within their given task for the good of all in the committee.  In doing so, their goal will be met to have their candidate elect chosen for president.  Hopefully, through this project you will have come to appreciate all of the hard work and dedication it takes to have a successful campaign committee.

Tonight's homework
Start researching your role and please have your Parent/Guardian sign the Campaign Sheet