Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Midterm Last Minute Pointers!

Midterm Review
Last Minute Pointers!!!
Resources to Understand Lesson

- 75 Multiple Choice Question (Vocab included) 1 point each
- 5 Short Answer 5 points each
- 1 Bonus Question worth 5 points

Ch. 1:
  • Chinese men did not come to the US in the mid-1800s to have freedom of religion...instead it was all about getting work.
  • American culture is BEST compared to a mosaic because we keep our unique heritage and yet build an American portrait.
  • Exclusion laws were directed against immigrants from Asia
Ch. 2:
  • Family, religion, education, the economy and the government are all social institutions.
  • Know the difference between rules, values and beliefs.
  • Cornerstone of our economic system: freedom
Ch. 3:
  • Duties of American include what.
  • True of All American Citizens: They owe allegiance to the U.S.
  • A fair trial includes: a jury of peers, witnesses and beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • Abe Lincoln said : "of the people, by the people, (and) for the people"
  • To apply for the U.S. Citizenships, an applicant must be able to read, write and speak English
  • Under the rule of law, officials must base their decisions on the law
  • If you're under 18 you can stuff envelopes with information to send to voters.
Ch. 4:
  • The Magna Carta listed rights of individuals that even an monarch could not take away.
  • Declaration of Independence begins: "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people..."
  • To the American colonists, religious freedom generally meant people could choose among different Christian churches.
  • The Articles of Confederation gave Congress the following except the power to tax.
  • Shays' Rebellion: Massachusetts had raised property taxes until citizens couldn't afford to pay
  • John Locke: Protect the rights to life, liberty and property or NATURAL RIGHTS.
  • Monstesquieu: division of power between separate branches of government
  • Slaves could not vote at all during colonial times...only white men who owned land.
  • Republic: elected officials make the laws
  • Direct democracy: citizens make the laws themselves
  • legislature: group of people chosen to make laws
  • Virginia Hose of Burgesses: have an opinion about whether the governor could tax citizens
  • First Continental Congress: convince the English government to respect colonists' rights.


Tonight's homework