Monday, January 23, 2017

Ch. 6 Vocabulary Quiz and Review

Ch. 6 Vocabulary Quiz
Ch. 6 Review Day!

We will go over EVERYTHING so pay attention!
Resources to Understand Lesson
1. Freedoms protected by the First Amendment include the following EXCEPT freedom of
  • CORRECT: due process.      
2. The rights protected by the Bill of Rights fall into three categories: individual freedoms, protections against government abuse of power, and the
  • CORRECT: rights of citizens accused of crimes.
3. Why was the Skokie case controversial?
  • CORRECT: It involved the right of a very unpopular group to express itself publicly.
4. Eminent domain is the
  • CORRECT: power of the government to take away personal property for public use.
5. Which branch of government is charged with interpreting the Constitution and how rights apply to people?
  • CORRECT: the judicial branch
6. Which amendment protects the right to demonstrate?
  • CORRECT: the First Amendment
7. If a house is to be searched, the police must have
  • CORRECT: a search warrant.
8. The phrase "a marketplace of ideas" expresses the idea that
  • CORRECT: people should hear all ideas and judge them.
9. According to the Tenth Amendment, powers not given to Congress or denied to the states belong to
  • CORRECT: the states or the people.
10. In the Tinker case, the Supreme Court ruled on which constitutionally guaranteed right or freedom?
  • CORRECT: the freedom of speech
11. What was the main argument in favor of the Bill of Rights?
  • CORRECT: It would protect citizens from the tyranny of government.
12. The Fifth Amendment protects citizens from
  • CORRECT: incriminating themselves.
13. What does "due process of law" mean?
  • CORRECT: Government must treat accused persons according to rules established by law.
14. The Bill of Rights was first proposed by
  • CORRECT: the Anti-Federalists.
15. Bail is
  • CORRECT: money given to the courts by an accused person as a pledge to appear at trial.
16. What is the first step in proposing an amendment to the Constitution?
  • CORRECT: Congress approves the amendment by a two-thirds majority.

Tips for your Test!!
1. In the Tinker case, the Supreme Court held what
2. Which amendment guarantees the separation of church and state? (First Amendment)
3. Which two groups must approve an amendment to the Constitution? (the states and the federal government)
4. Which of the following is an example of double jeopardy? (A person has been tried and found not guilty of a crime. Some years later, that person is tried again for the same crime.) 

Essay Questions:
1. Which Freedom protected in the First Amendment do you think is most important to our nation? Support your answer.
2. Which of the ten amendments that make up the Bill of Rights do you think has the least to do with Americans' lives today? Explain why.
Tonight's homework
 Finish Classwork and Study
CH. 6 Test Tomorrow!