Thursday, February 2, 2017

Geography Bee - Class Competition

Geography Bee - Class Competition
Ch. 7 Review Day
Resources to Understand Lesson

In your notebook, write out the question and ONLY the answer so you may remember for the day of the test. 
1. When did women receive the right to vote: 1920.

1. When did women receive the right to vote?
2. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka addressed the issue of
3. The Fourteenth Amendment extended rights to African Americans by
4. The Dred Scott decision involved
5. The principle of equal protection refers to the right of all people to be
6. In general, the amendment process helps the Constitution
7. In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Court ruled that
8. Why is the Fourteenth Amendment sometimes called "the second Bill of Rights"?
9. What is the idea underlying affirmative action?
10. The "separate but equal" standard was established by which Supreme Court case?
Tonight's homework

This Review is NOT due tomorrow. We will have time tomorrow to work on it in class!