Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ch. 9 Jeopardy Review Game Day 2

Character Trait of the Month:
The process of adapting well in the face of adversity

Word of the Week:
willingness to change or compromise
Ch. 9: The Executive Branch
Jeopardy Review Game
Resources to Understand Lesson

Essay Questions for Ch. 9 Test
(Remember you can pick one out of the two to do)
1. Why is the threat of a veto a powerful tool the President can use to influence Congress?
The president can use the threat of a veto to intimidate members of Congress and therefore shift the balance of power. It encourages Congress to compromise so that the president will sign off on laws.
2. Why was Watergate such an important event in our nation's history? What is the likely influence of Watergate on the actions of other officials?
The Watergate Scandal involved the President covering up a national crime. Also, President Nixon resigned over the scandal. It shows that no one is above the law.
Tonight's homework

Study for the Ch. 9 Test MONDAY!!!

Ch. 9 Review Quizlet